
How Orthopedic Videos Help Your Patients And Your Practice

Orthopedic surgery is a major consideration for your patients. They should understand the procedure they are about to undergo and its consequences. However, you may not have time to sit with each patient individually and explain every detail and be sure you cover everything they need to know. That's where orthopedic videos become very useful. These are a few ways using videos in your practice helps your patients and you too. Read More 

How Patients Can Help Prevent Postoperative Complications

The post-surgical period is one of the most sensitive treatment periods for a patient. A post-surgical patient may have wounds, low blood levels, poor appetite, weak immunity, and other issues that make them susceptible to infections. That's why it's important for everybody involved in the patient's care, such as nurses, physicians, nursing aides, and the patient to be on the lookout for postoperative complications. Therefore, if you are preparing for hernia surgery with someone like Natural Tissue Hernia Repair Associates, take the following precautions to preempt postoperative complications: Read More 

2 Things Your Feet Would Tell You If They Could

Your feet often suffer a lot of abuse on a daily basis. Some of the most surprising things can cause your feet to feel achy and sore. From not eating right to wearing the wrong kind of shoes, you can actually do serious damage to your feet. In fact, there are a couple of things your feet would tell you if they could talk, things that would help make your feet healthier. Read More 

5 Things You Need To Know About Ocular Melanoma

Melanoma is often thought of as a skin cancer, but it can affect other parts of your body, too. Melanoma affects the melanocytes, cells that produce pigment. These cells are found in your skin, but they're also found in your uvea, a portion of your eye that contains your iris. Melanoma that forms in the uvea is known as ocular melanoma or melanoma of the eye. Here are five things you need to know about it. Read More 

Pediatric Optometry Problems: Three Steps To Avoiding Summer Eye Damage

It's summer time, school is out and all your kids want to do is head outside and play. While you know you have to slip, slop, slap on the sunscreen to keep their delicate skin from getting burned, what precautions are you taking to protect their eyes? Following these three tips will help to make sure your child does not suffer permanent vision loss because of damage caused by being outside. Read More